Edwin Amuga
4 min readJun 28, 2022

NHS Economic Evaluation Database


The database stores many information health researchers, professionals, and students to discover work effectively (Liu et al., 2016). The database’s information can be used for research, information search about a person, financial transaction, and other related areas. Since the nature of data is unpredictable, the database is developed, maintained, updated periodically, and improved to store data efficiently in a way that will not delay the time taken to complete a search. The database is managed using powerful servers that efficiently and efficiently respond to billions of query entries for efficiency and convenience (Korshunov and Marcel 2016). Databases provide a structured way of organizing information in a central location, making it easier to access, manage, and update the info. The utilization of database stores is a crucial part of a student’s school life since it augments their problem-solving abilities and improves their critical thinking.

Health economic database is a vast repository containing scholarly books and journals on a broad range of disciplines including biomedical sciences, chemistry, economics, computer science, business, earth sciences, management, medicine, law, materials, food and nutrition, life sciences, statistics, public health, social sciences, physics, energy, mathematics, environmental sciences, psychology, and engineering. The database provides over 7 million full-text resources that include books, journals, chapters of books, articles, and entries of references works even though some of the content is not available via the UNT subscription. The dates of coverage of each source or field depend on the date of publications and the publisher.

The database is also an indexing and abstracting tool on the named fields and designed to aid with information the needs of professionals from the health economics sector. The central areas that the resou5rdes in the database cover related to economic health include poverty, crime, drug abuse, overcrowding, violence, disease and disability, discrimination and inequality, mental illness and drug addiction, sexism, and racism others. Other areas also covered in depth include Health care, therapy, services, and midwifery, social and psychological issues are also covered, including counseling, probation, welfare, and social work.

The Archive database was published online to a constituent of collecting the free access databases at https://guides.library.unt.edu/az.php?q=health%20economics. It should be distinguished that the library will no longer include the NHS literature from 2021 in its library collection.

The Centre for Dissemination and Reviews of the York University made n online in print of the database at www.crd.york.ac.uk for access without charge.

It holds in excess of 7 million records, with more than nine hundred thousand structured abstract records whose quality has been assessed. Other records on healthcare technologies’ full economic evaluation were published in all languages, including ‘citation only’ records between 1994 and 2020.

The CEA Registry

The registry is published by the Harvard School of Public health and the Harvard Centre for Risk Analysis for free access at the website www.cearegistry.org and is regularly updated.

The CEA registry’s main objective is the creation of a sole electronic repository made up of data housed in a cost-utility analyzed comprehensive and in depth database. The website is utilized to contrast the cost-friendliness of a wide array of solutions through regulating and harmonizing cost-utility ratios in addition to the investigation of method variations used in this kind of estimation.

The database also contains over five thousand searchable bibliographic details of cost-utility analyses on various diseases and health care treatments. The bibliographic details can display extended information on cost-utility rations in terms of cost-per-QALY gravity of preferences and methods underpinning the scrutiny from 1765 to date

As an inclusion criterion, the study reports values in cost per-QALY that are convertible to $/QALY values and must also only publish peer-reviewed journals, all of which must be done in English.

The database also comprises of a one-sided general score for grading the methodologies’ value, with one being the lowest and 7 being the highest methodology quality score. However, the methods and the criteria used in deriving the quality of the methodologies are not straightforward.

Economic Literature (Econlit)

The American Economic Association publishes Econlit at www.aeaweb.org/econlit, and the monthly updated displays here are not for free access but subscription only through libraries and universities.

This repository contains abstracts, bibliographic accounts, in addition to links to articles in full-text. More than 750 listed headings on pre and applied economics are linked, that include peer-reviewed books, reviews of books, journals, collective volume articles as well as records of different conferences and volumes of essays, papers such as economic working paper abstracts form the Cambridge University, and dissertations on a broad array of topics on health and social sciences from 1975 to date

Pediatric Economic Database Evaluation (PEDE)

PEDE is published online at the website hppt:/pede.ccb.sickkids/ca/pede/index.jsp for free access and is periodically updated.

The CCOHTA (Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment) and the Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute and other in-kind donations by the Health Economics Institute of Canada provides funds for developing the Database Evaluation.

The database contains over two million published full economic evaluation bibliographic records with added information on healthcare interventions, processes, services, and programs directed at the pediatric population information such as the adolescents below the age of 19 years, infants, children, and neonates from 1989 to date.

Works Cited

Korshunov, Pavel, and Sébastien Marcel. “Cross-database evaluation of audio-based spoofing detection systems.” Interspeech. No. CONF. 2016.

Liu, Chengyu, et al. “An open-access database for the evaluation of heart sound algorithms.” Physiological Measurement 37.12 (2016): 2181.